Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Getting Your House Ready to Sell for the Spring Market

If you're a prospective home seller, here are five things you can do now to get ready for a spring sale. If you don't want to do these things, call us we will buy AS IS!

 Greg Hammond  We Buy Houses Louisville/ Eagle Thirteen Properties, LLC

Start packing

It may sound crazy to start packing months in advance of your move, but since you'll eventually need to do this anyway, you might as well get organized now. We're not suggesting you pack up your kitchen and eat off paper plates, but you can sort through your storage closets, attic, basement or garage to determine what you want to keep, what to give away and what to sell. Boxing up items will make your space look larger and neater when it's time to show your home. You can also get an idea of whether you need to rent a storage facility while your home is on the market.

Clear away the clutter

If you visit model homes or open houses of homes that have been staged, you'll never see a stack of unread magazines, children's artwork loosely hanging on the refrigerator, or a cluster of unpaid bills on a table. While everyone has clutter, buyers want to see a fantasy version of your house, in which they can envision living. Once your home is on the market you'll need to keep it as neat as possible. One way to make that easier is to reduce the amount of clutter you have on your shelves and surfaces. Put away items that are regularly on your kitchen sink and pack away the family photos that gather dust.

Improve your home

While you don't necessarily want to do a major, expensive renovation project before you sell, you can make minor repairs and improvements that will make your home look fresher to buyers. Try things such as replacing the caulk and grout in your bathroom, updating old or rusted ceiling fans and light fixtures, and changing switch plates, doorknobs and other hardware for a clean and neat appearance. Consider painting your front door and trim even if your rooms don't need new paint.

Interview real estate agents

Your choice of a listing agent will make a big difference in how quickly your home sells and how much of a profit you'll realize. Get recommendations from friends and interview several listing agents to see which ones have the right experience with similar homes in your price range and area. A real estate agent with a great marketing plan and deep local knowledge is extremely important. Don't just go with the one who tells you they can sell for the highest price; choose someone who can present you with a detailed market analysis.

Research your market

If you plan to buy another home, an important decision to make is whether to sell your home first or make an offer on a new home before putting yours on the market. A knowledgeable real estate agent can help you evaluate how fast homes are selling in your market and help you estimate how long it will take you to find a home. This decision also depends on your financing, so you may want to consult with a lender to see how you can finance the transition from one home to another if you choose not to sell your home first.
If you spend the winter months preparing for spring, you'll find yourself ready to move fast when buyers come out of hibernation.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Top benefits of selling your house to a home flipping company


Top benefits of selling your house to a home flipping company
  1. It’s fast and easy
This has to be the most notable benefit of selling your home to a home flipping company. Selling a home is usually a time-consuming process especially when you are relying on traditional methods i.e. putting up a ’For Sale’’ sign on your yard or interviewing and hiring a real estate agent. The process is usually difficult when you want to sell your home at the best price possible. House flipping companies take away the difficult and time-consuming process of putting up a house for sale and waiting for potential buyers. 
When you use a house flipping company/investor, you don’t have to prepare your home for sale i.e. renovate, landscape, etc or market. The companies buy the house as it is and the sale is completed in record time. As long as there are no title issues, these companies typically take 7-10 days to complete the transaction. If you are in dire need of cash, a house flipping company is your best bet. It’s simply about deciding if you want to go ahead with the sale or not after getting an offer, and most house flipping companies pay in cash.
  1. You are guaranteed of selling your house regardless of the state or condition
House flipping companies or investors who buy old and/or ugly houses don’t really care about the state or condition of your home. These companies specialize in buying such homes, so you are almost assured of selling your home when you choose such companies as opposed to selling your home conventionally. If your home has deteriorated over time, but you want to sell fast without having to do any renovations/repairs, house flipping companies are your best option. 
House flipping companies are in the business of buying old/dilapidated/ugly homes. The companies renovate such homes and resell them at a profit. The companies also target lots where homes sit on in cases where it doesn’t make financial sense to renovate. The Arlington and Vienna areas of Northern Virginia have become hubs for real estate investors mainly interested in purchasing homes for their lots. While typical home buyers look for perfect homes to buy, home flipping companies are looking for old, ugly and/or dilapidated homes to buy. In fact, most house flippers will say the uglier, the better. You are therefore assured of a sale even if you won’t get the best deal.
  1. You avoid hiring a real estate agent
The process of finding the right real estate agent to sell your home can be a difficult and time consuming process. It might take talking to and interviewing numerous agents before you find a real estate agent that you are comfortable with.
  1. You avoid ”for sale by owner.”
Trying to sell your home on your own is usually a daunting task. Although some homeowners prefer this option to save on real estate commissions, it takes a lot of effort, time and skill to sell your own home. For instance, you need to have good marketing skills to market your home online and offline. Putting up a ”For Sale” sign isn’t enough to draw potential buyers. You need to take perfect photographs of your home and post them in real estate listings online relevant to your area. You also need to avail yourself for showings, negotiate effectively with potential buyers, represent yourself during critical stages of the entire process i.e. buyer’s home inspections, etc.

In a nutshell, you need a variety of skills to sell your own home without the help of a real estate agent. In most cases, it isn’t worth the effort trying to sell your own home without any help especially if your home is old or in poor condition. When you sell your ugly home to a ‘we buy ugly houses’ flipping company or investor, you avoid all the stresses and requirements associated with selling a home without help from an agent.

      Just like anything else you need to do your homework before selling your house. There are good and bad "We Buy Houses" companies out there just like any other business. Here at Eagle Thirteen Properties we are in it to make a small profit but not by hurting anyone in the process.  If we can't make you happy, we simply will not do the deal. We are a family owned and operated business who prides ourselves into helping homeowners out of difficult situations. If you need help selling your home, give us a call. it's a free opportunity to review all your options and absolutely NO PRESSURE. Thanks and have a Blessed day!

Greg Hammond President of Eagle Thirteen Properties LLC

Friday, March 2, 2018

Housing Market Forecast for 2018

Real Estate and Housing Forecast 2018 to 2020

Mar 1, 2018.  Buying or Selling a house or condo in 2018 or 2019? How do you feel right now about the 2018 housing market? Is the recent pessimism justified?
Millennials still hopeful to buy a home in 2018
Take another look at prices, GDP, wages, jobs, and other key data below on the US Economy for the next 6 years and you may see a surprisingly positive picture, far from the dread of the recent stock market correction.
This completely updated EPIC United States Housing Report has market updates and predictions for 2018 to 2020, and other data to 2026.

IN this post, you’ll discover the hottest city markets, zip codes, get economic, employment, finance, and housing projections to understand the key fundamentals driving rental investment, home construction and the real estate markets in 2018/2019 to 2026.
What’s the story for winter 2018? It has to be Texas and Michigan, however the overall picture is of a very good spring for the housing market nationwide and going forward to 2026. Population growth in San Francisco, Denver, Houston, Seattle, and Phoenix. The western migration is strong, as will those housing markets will be.

Las Vegas leading the way with 8.7% economic growth, 6.9% price growth and 4.9 sales growth. Infographic Courtesy of Realtor.com

The Complete Picture for 2018

Ready to choose your realtor and buy a house or condo this year? The outlook is really rosy! And how about investing in a rental income property for sustained passive income? This current lull might make the next 3 months the best time to buy. The outlook is as positive as could be for buyers. Lock in your mortgage rate.

Overall, predictions and outlook for the US housing market are positive. That’s because the US economy is on its strongest roll ever, bolstered by lower taxes, improved trading agreements, growing American confidence, happiness, comfort, freedom and the American dream has been kindled again.
Take a look at more detailed reports of major US city markets: Latest Posts:  San Francisco Housing Market | | Boston Real Estate Market 2018 | Florida Housing Forecast 2018 | Miami Housing Market |  Los Angeles Real Estate Forecast | New York Real Estate Predictions | Houston Market Forecast  | Houston Real Estate Forecast | Seattle Housing Forecast
This graphic courtesy of Trading Economics shows the top sign that the real estate market will be healthy for some time, and that buying a home is a wise investment (Trading economics is a very informative site, have a visit afterward).
Increased government spending, low but slowly rising interest rates, and the repatriation of business and corporate funds back to the US means it’s a healthy, safe market for everyone.
Foreign investment has been strong because the world knows, the US is the place to be. American’s have always had a great attitude toward risk and business growth. Now the economy and business markets are allowing that spirit an opportunity to pay off.

NAR/Realtor Outlook on the Housing Market

Housing Indicator Realtor.com® 2018 Forecast
Home price appreciation 3.2% increase
Mortgage rate Average 4.6% mortage rates in 2018 to 5.0% (30 year fixed) by year end
Existing home sales 2.5% growth, low inventory problem easing
Housing starts 3% growth in home building 7% growth in houses
New home sales Growth of 7%
Home ownership rate Stabilizing at 63.9% nationally
Despite the market correction, experts feel this bull market could continue as long as business keeps coming back to the US. That’s a long process of repatriation. In the meantime, the jobs picture, wage growth, investment, and profit growth are giving real estate participants a lot of optimism.
The resistance to housing development is slowing. Conservatives are giving up amidst intense pressure by those facing outrageous housing shortages and skyrocketing rental prices.

Housing Shortages Won’t Ease

Although January’s sales were disappointing, it’s due to the severe shortage of housing. Demand is there and you’ll be competing against a hoard of buyers in 2018.  Corelogic expects 2018’s home prices will grow 4.3% by next December.  NAR and Realtors® expect only a 3% growth in prices this year. Nevada, Texas, Washington, and Florida are the states with the best outlook, and perhaps the best places to buy homes or rental properties.
The Bay Area, Portland, and Seattle areas saw the highest growth in prices last year while LA’s tumbled. Listings fell dramatically in cental California, Oregon, Washington, and New York.
Consumer mood was not so good in July of last year, mostly due to government problems. Yet the market came flying back. These challenges overcome mean more Americans will have more confidence in their personal situation.

The US Economy 2018/2019

These stats from Trading Economics show positive fundamentals that will drive growth in the housing market, and in turn will bolster the economy, since new household consumer spending and housing investment is a key driver of the economy.
The tax cuts should help although the Fed is counteracting that growth with a questionable raising of interest rates which seems to have sparked the sudden stock market volatility.  Although some disincentives are present for home buying in certain price ranges, that will help keep the market balanced for 2018.
Home prices should begin rising again this late spring in FloridaNew York , Boston, San DiegoHouston, MiamiSeattle, Bay Area and the rest of  overheated California.
Buyers and sellers will enjoy the market trends, stats, threats, and the key factors including housing construction starts described below. Enjoy the big picture!

We Buy Houses Louisville/ Eagle Thirteen Properties