Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Easy Steps to a Building a Real Estate Website

How To Build A Real Estate Website In 5 Easy Steps

If you operate a business and you don’t have a website yet, you should really consider building one.
Why should you build a business website?
The truth of the matter is that you can’t afford not to have one.
Your business website can help you generate more clients throughout all aspects of the customer acquisition cycle, such as when a prospective client:
  • Performs a broad internet search for what sort of businesses can help with solving his/her problems – and discovers you;
  • Wants to find out more information about specific businesses to see if he/she should inquire for more information;
  • Retrieves your contact information to reach out to you either through email or the phone.
The situations on how you can benefit from having built a business website are endless.
Let’s face it, you probably use the internet to find out more information about various businesses too, right?
Gone are the days when you can only rely on having your business listed in the Yellow Pages or word-of-mouth. While these “old school” methods are still effective to a certain extent, creating a business website is complementary to other methods of attracting new customers.
If you’re wondering how to build a business website, just know that it’s not as hard as you think.
This guide will walk you through what you need and how to get started in building your first business website.
You probably have a million things on your To-Do list, and adding a website to your long list can be overwhelming.
This is why we create this ultimate guide to show you how you can quickly and easily build a professional business website all on your own.
Here are the 5 simple steps to get started:


Anyone who ever used the internet knows you need to insert a website address to get to any website.
A domain name is the address of your website.
While it is very common for businesses to have domain names that are the same as their business names (such as, you can pick a domain name to include any text phrase you want as long as it is not already taken.
For example, the domain name for our website is
There are two costs associated with getting your own domain name:
  1. Cost to buy a domain name; and
  2. Cost to keep your domain name registered every year.
A domain name typically costs around $10 to $12 to purchase, and the same price range for you to keep it registered in your name every year.
If someone already owns the domain name you want, you’ll need to select a different domain name or it is possible to reach out to the owner to buy it.
Here are some FAQs about domain names:
Q: Where can I buy a domain name?
A: Some popular domain name providers are GoDaddy and NameCheap.
Q: Where can I find more about domain names? For example, how to pick, purchase and register my domain name?
A: Here is our comprehensive beginners guide domain names. You’ll find everything you need to know about domain names in our guide.


To make your business look more professional and established, you’ll need a custom business email address.
You probably don’t want your prospective customers to see that you’re using a Gmail email address such as
They’ll probably perceive that your business is not as established.  While this is pretty judgmental, it’s just human nature.
The most common business email addresses format actually uses your business domain name.
For example, our email address is
So yours can be
Getting a custom business email address is fairly easy, fast and cheap. Our recommendation is to use G Suite which is powered by Google.
how to build a business website - g suite gmail
It’s basically Gmail for businesses except you have a personalized email address. You get the friendly user-interface, reliability, and security of Gmail.
It only costs $5 a month per email address, which in our view is a very reasonable price to pay to get your own customized email address and you can sit back and let Google manage everything else.
We also use G Suite ourselves and we’re very pleased with their services.
G Suite is fully integrated with some of our recommended website builders.
If you choose to use one of these website builders, they make it easy for you to setup your own personalized business email addresses. You won’t have to sign up to G Suite separately as you can get your email addresses all setup within the website builder control panel.
More about our recommended website builders below.


This is one of the most important steps when building your business website.
This is because if you choose the right website builder software based on your needs, building a business website can be as leisurely as a walk in the park versus climbing Mount Everest.
There are a lot of website builders out there and they all have their own sets of pros and cons. We’ve pretty much used most if not all of the website builders to create all sorts of different websites, so we want to share our recommendations with you.
When choosing a website builder, keep this in mind:
Never choose a website builder that is too complex and offers all sorts of features that you don’t need.
It so easy to get enticed by all the bells and whistles and make the mistake of falling for business website builders that offer the most tools. After all, our brains are naturally wired to believe that more is better.
Features are great only if you actually use them. Remember, the more features a website builder have, the more complex and difficult it may be to use. Try to keep things simple and it will make your life a bit easier.
When choosing the right website builder, make sure you consider your technical and design skill levels, and what complex features you realistically need for your website.
There is no such thing as a perfect website builder for everyone. Some business website builders will work better for some people. As long as you don’t get side-tracked by fancy tools that you might potentially use 5 years down the road, you will be fine.
To help you through the selection process, here is a guide we wrote on how to choose the right website builder with 9 simple questions you can ask yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Great tips! As about website builder platform, I'd recommend Wix
